
Resep: Nikmat Brownies endless no mixer simple way

Brownies endless no mixer simple way.

Brownies endless no mixer simple way You can cook Brownies endless no mixer simple way using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Brownies endless no mixer simple way

  1. You need 2 butir of Telur.
  2. It's 140 gr of Dark coklat cooking.
  3. Menyiapkan 40 ml of Minyak makan.
  4. You need 150 gr of gula pasir.
  5. It's 100 gr of trigu.
  6. It's 15 gr of bubuk coklat.
  7. You need 10 gr of susu bubuk.
  8. It's 50 gr of margarin /butter.
  9. It's of Loyang 20x20 alas kertas.

Brownies endless no mixer simple way instructions

  1. Margarin. Minyak makan dan DCC di tim sampai larut dan tercampur rata.
  2. Telur dan gula di whisk sampai larut gulanya.
  3. Tuangi coklat saus lalu masukkan tepung yang telah di campur bubuk susu dan coklat setelah di ayak rata. Aduk sampai tercampur rata dan baik.
  4. Tuang ke loyang dan taburi aneka topping bisa oreo bisa kacang mete bisa choco chip oven dengan suhu 190 derjat selama 17 sampai 20 menit tergantung oven masing masing.

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