
Resep: Lezat Ogura cake pandan

Ogura cake pandan. I tried to make pandan extract and use it on Pandan Ogura may use pandan juice instead. As u all may know I'm not in good terms with chiffon pan hahaha my chiffon cake never turns out well in chiffon pan but I'm okay if using normal pans. Pandan Ogura Cake adapted from Aunty Young.

Ogura cake pandan It is soft, moist and so delicious. This irresistible cake comes from Christine's Food@Home Sweet Home. Christine's Ogura cake is with buttercream which I have omitted as I. You can have Ogura cake pandan using 11 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Ogura cake pandan

  1. It's 1 gelas belimbing of tepung terigu (me : segitiga biru).
  2. You need 3/4 gelas of gagang gula pasir halus.
  3. Menyiapkan 5 butir of kuning telur.
  4. It's 1 butir of telur utuh.
  5. You need 5 butir of putih telur.
  6. You need 1 bungkus of vanili bubuk.
  7. Menyiapkan Sejumput of garam.
  8. Menyiapkan 40 ml of minyak goreng.
  9. It's 80 gr of santan kental (me : pake kara di campur air).
  10. You need secukupnya of Pasta pandan.
  11. You need 1 sdt of cream of tar tar/ 1 sdt perasan air jeruk nipis.

Pandan cake is a light, fluffy, green-coloured sponge cake ("kue"; of Indonesian origin) flavoured with the juices of Pandanus amaryllifolius leaves. It is also known as pandan chiffon. Pandan Ogura Cake strikes back with too generous butter cream to tempt you. I have bake this cake on my earlierpost but without butter cream to sandwich the cake.

Ogura cake pandan step by step

  1. Siapkan bahan bahan.
  2. Siapkan wadah, kocok kuning telur & 1 butir telur utuh menggunakan wisk, kocok hingga tercampur &rata,masukkan vanili bubuk, lalu masukkan minyak goreng sambil di aduk di susul masukkan santan, aduk sampai rata lalu masukkan pandan pasta dan ayak terigu diatas nya, aduk rata lalu sisihkan.
  3. Kocok putih telur & ctt/ perasan air jeruk nipis hingga berbusa lalu masukkan gula pasir sedikit demi sedikit, kocok hingga kaku & berjejak.
  4. Masukkan kocokan putih telur kedalam adonan pasta, aduk balik secara perlahan hingga rata lalu tuang ke dalam loyang kotak yg sudah di alasi dgn kertas roti, lalu panggang kue kurang lebih selama 40 menit dgn tekhnik au bain marie. Kalau sdh matang angkat kue dan kelurkan dari oven, sebelumnya tes tusuk dulu ya.
  5. Ogura cake pandan siap di hidangkan.

Learn how to make super soft and fluffy pandan chiffon cake (or basic chiffon cake) every time at home. A complete guide and tips to make sure you can replicate this recipe at home successfully. Pandan chiffon cake is like a dream cake due to its fluffiness, softness and moistness. The fragrance of the cake comes from the extract of pandan leaves which is also known as screw pine leaves. This cake is commonly known as Ogura cake.

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